Factor Structure and Psychometric Properties of the People with Disabilities Rights Awareness Scale (PDRAS)

Volume 10
Issue 4
King Khalid University Journal of Educational Sciences

The current study aimed to develop and validate a scale to assess awareness of their rights in persons with disabilities. After a literature review and content validity analysis with disability rights experts, 43 items were developed. Item understandability was checked with a preliminary group of students to refine the items before inclusion. Items were also subjected to skewness and kurtosis analyses. A pool of 29 items that fulfilled the inclusion criteria then comprised the questionnaire that was used in interviews with a sample of 212 participants. Construct validity was checked with exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). In the EFA, 17 items fulfilled the psychometric criteria and the scree plot indicated one factor whose eigen values were greater than one. In the CFA, good model fit was reached after inclusion of five correlated errors. Cronbach’s alpha coefficients supported the reliability of the scale. We conclude that the 17-item scale is valid and reliable as an assessment instrument. It is envisaged that the PDRAS will help facilitate unified research in the field.
