Exploring EFL Student Teachers' Perspectives on E-…

The current study is trying to explore EFL college learners’ views regarding the usefulness and practicality of e-exams. A sample of…

Exploring the Relationship between General Self-Confidence…

The purpose of this study is to explore the relationship between general self-confidence and test-taking strategies among EFL graduate…

Assessing intercultural communicative competence in EFL…

Intercultural communication competence is an integral part of linguistic competence. While the literature stresses the significance of…

A Review of Phytochemicals and Biological Studies of…

RF Plasma Treatment of Poly-Tetra-Fluoro-Ethylene (PTFE )…

Evaluating the role of free living nematodes in…

Molecular Diversity Among Five Ferns Growing in Al-Souda…

In this study, five samples from ferns plants namely Asplenium…