The Effect of Applying Hologram Technology via Mobile Phone on Developing Skills of Producing Stereoscopic Images and Visual Imagination Skills among Postgraduate students

Volume 11
Issue 1
King Khalid University Journal of Educational Sciences

The study aimed to reveal the effect of hologram technology via mobile phone in developing skills of producing stereoscopic images and visual imagination among postgraduate students at the College of Education, Al-Baha University. The study has used a quasi- experimental approach to prepare the literature framework and a measurement tool including an achievement test, a visual imagination test and an observation checklist to measure the aspects of performance skills for producing stereoscopic images, through the application of hologram. The study sample consisted of 30 postgraduate student. The researcher used a T test to measure the differences between an experimental group (using hologram technique) and a control group (using the usual method). The results showed that there were significant differences at the level of significance (0.05) on the cognitive achievement and visual imagination in the post-test in favor of the experimental group, that studied with the hologram technique. There was also a significant difference at level of 0.05 on the observation checklist in the post-test in favor of the experimental group in some stereoscopic images producing skills. This confirms the effectiveness of the hologram technology in developing skills of producing stereoscopic and visual imagination for students at the university.  
