Towards Sustainable University Management: A proposed model to Improve the Quality of Job Performance Evaluation During the Privatization of Universities in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabi

Volume 11
Issue 1
King Khalid University Journal of Educational Sciences

Abstract: Privatization enables the universities to better choose the modern educational systems, deepen the interconnection of educational institutions with the sectors of production and services, develop cooperation and research exchange. This study aimed to contribute to the privatization of Saudi universities and sustainable management therein through developing a framework to improve the quality of job performance during the privatization of universities in the Kingdom with reference to Umm Al-Qura University in Mecca. This in turn contributes to the competitiveness of universities and accelerate their dependence after privatization. The study used the descriptive approach for its suitability to the nature of its subject, objectives, and the analysis of the dimensions of the problem and the reality study. The study utilized two methods: field research based on a questionnaire to investigate the opinions of the study sample – the faculty members at Umm Al-Qura University, to explore the reality of the job performance evaluation system, as well as identify the requirements to develop job performance and improve the current evaluation system within the requirements of privatizing Saudi universities. The proposed model identifies emerging trends in the field of employee performance appraisal during privatization by taking into account the strategic integration of human resource management, the influence of organizational context factors on the employee performance appraisal system, and performance criteria and standards that are customized for the organizational context.
