Adopting the Mayer’s Multimedia Design Principles to improve Students’ Instructional Video Quality in the Light of Technology Evaluation Criteria

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مجلة العلوم التربوية

The use of instructional videos in teaching is becoming more common. Effectively designed videos found to lead to greater learning and motivate students. Yet, students are not only using existing videos, but also creating exclusive ones. Therefore, it is useful to know which design principles these videos should follow to produce effective learning outcomes and avoid over usage of multimedia elements which in turn negatively affect students’ learning. Thus, the current study aims to investigate the impact of integrating Mayer’s Multimedia Design Principles when designing instructional videos by students. Five students were asked to create instructional videos using iMovie before and after integrating the Mayer’s Mmultimedia Design Principles in the learning environment. Students’ instructional videos were evaluated (pretests/posttest) using Al-Aklubi’s (2015) educational technology evaluation criteria The findings revealed that students’ scores improved in the posttest (M = 62.8, SD = 1.11) over the pretest (M = 23.6, SD = .10), with t(4)= 8.56, p<.05. This indicates that adopting the Mayer’s Multimedia Design Principles when creating the instructional video helped students to improve the quality of their videos and achieve better scores.

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