Impact of Zn2+ ions on the structural, DC electrical and spectroscopic properties of Co ferrite nanoparticles

المجلد السادس
العدد الثاني
مجلة جامعة الملك خالد للعلوم الأساسية والتطبيقية

Co1-yZnyFe2O4; y = 0.00, 0.11, 0.22, 0.33, 0.44, and 0.55 nanoparticles system synthesized by coprecipitation technique. X-ray data show that both the average crystallite size and the average lattice parameter of Co1-yZnyFe2O4 system increase from 32 to 53 nm and from 0.839 to 0.841 nm respectively with increasing Zn2+ ions concentration (y). SEM images of Co1-yZnyFe2O4 system show that the nanoparticles are nearly spherical agglomerated and their morphology was affected by Zn amount (y). σDC of all Co1-yZnyFe2O4 samples was found to be dependent on the temperature, where σDC increases linearly with increasing T (K). The increase in σDC with the increase in T(K) showed the semiconducting nature of the Co1-yZnyFe2O4 system. The increase in σDC by increasing T (K) can be due to thermally activated drift mobility of charge carriers according to hopping conduction mechanism of charge carriers between multivalent ions.
